
WEEK 7, Pt. 2: Final Post Launch

 An all digital economy      There is one technology that is the backbone of our economy and that we use every day which is online digital money. Cash still exist in our economy right now but slowly many businesses do no accept cash only money from apps like Venmo, PayPal and from a debit card. The government is working on an all entirely new currency (CBDC) central bank digital currency that would exist exclusively in a digital. After reading an opinion article by Justin Haskins from Fox News Article Link this is coming quicker than we expected. Banks have privacy laws to prevent banks in many situations from giving away details about your financial accounts to third parties, including the government. The government wants its tax money and will do almost anything to get like Mark Zuckerberg not getting 100% if the world's population to use its platform. Government Power      Since the government will control the money under the new system you bet they will comb through every tran

WEEK 7, Pt. 1: EOTO, Presentations Reaction on Net Neutrality

 Learning on from Group 4's presentations on policy's was interesting but one of them interested me which was Net neutrality. I knew that ISP's provided the internet, but I didn't know that they could slow down sites if they wanted to. I also knew that they do monitor your internet usage and if a consumer uses like 20 TB of data usage with an unlimited internet plan they probably send them a letter about the high usage and slow down the connection. Another thing ISP's keep track of if you are Torrenting (Torrenting refers to downloading files over BitTorrent, which is a decentralized peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol) that is copyright material which is what most people torrent for.  I believe they should be treated as a utility company like electric and water because the internet has integrated into our society I mean as a kid we did worksheets in class and were given some form of homework. Now ever since the pandemic more and more work is done online and workers

WEEK 5, Pt. 2: Diffusion of Innovations

 The invention of the Phonograph as a Diffusion timeline it started out as the cylinder phonograph by Thomas Edison. An invention that recorded sounds waves onto a wax cylinder in 2 min intervals early adopters were businesses using it to record messages they received on the telephone (before answering machines). Years later the cylinders were starting to pick up in the general masses when the technology became cheaper to produce. But artists did not like that each cylinder can only record 2 mins of playback and was not able to duplicate. So the Disc format was born, and the disc was made out of Aylsworth molded phenol and formaldehyde mixed with wood-flour and a solvent into a heat-resistant disc. Phonograph Disc History now more adopters started using this technology now artists can make an album and sell it to a record shop.       If you wanted to listen to music you had to go to a concert the same goes for bands they have to find a venue/gig to play at and not everyone has acce

WEEK 6, Pt. 1: EOTO Terms & Concepts The Smith-Mundt Act

 What is the Smith Mundt Act?      The Smith Mundt Act A bill that was passed during the Cold War era signed by Harry S. Truman in 1945. The Act was developed to regulate broadcasting of programs for foreign audiences produced under the guidance by the State Department, and it prohibited domestic dissemination of materials produced by such programs as one of its provisions. In short the United States government created propaganda for foreign nations showing what the United States wanted to portray themselves like. Now it was not pushed to be viewed by the American public, nor it was targeted for them anyway. The United States and the Soviet Union the United States government wanted to show their superior strength, so other nations do not fall to communism.  Smith Mundt Act Mondernizion In 2012 The Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 (signed into law by Barack Obama as a part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013). Changes to the act were that the American people can view

WEEK 5, Pt. 1: EOTO Presentations Reaction

 Of all the invention's presentations from other classmates the pencil was the one that stood out to me because it is the one tool I use on a daily basis at school as a kid. So I knew that they used bird feathers as a pen and dip it into ink to write with. But using bread crumbs to erase? It blew my mind. Pencil History Being able to achieve and share information is key for any modern civilization in the early human life they used cave paintings were one of the earliest form of human expression. Pencils allowed us to document information other species can communicate to others, but they do what their instincts they don't save information after they do something or to express themselves. Sometimes you can't teach an old dog new tricks or teach a man to fish he can fish for life. Without cave paintings/documentation I don't think we could have known as much about early history than we do now. Pencils were used to draw maps of the surrounding area, create art to express t

Blog 7 WEEK 6, Pt. 2: Living in the Age of AI

 For me, I believe that AI could be part of the next technological progress and I may see that in my lifetime (If we don't destroy ourselves first). Sure it's the next step in automation, but I just can't see it working independently without human intervention will it be robot based or software based? What I mean by software based is right now NASA is using AI for their rovers on Mars to scan the terrain/ the shortest distance to get to a destination without getting stuck. NASA AI Rovers on Mars there is a delay between the Mars rover and commands from Earth being sent there so that's one reason why AI can be useful. Every good thing has an evil side that we don't see in China cameras are on every block and corner tracking its citizens for “national security” but It's used against people the government doesn't like. I remember that all these tech companies were invested into the metaverse when it was first announced 2 years ago saying that the metaverse and

BLOG #6 WEEK 4, Pt. 2: The Progressive Era

 After looking at some articles on, it's a shame that I never knew this site existed, I like how it has sections for each part of the world that is in conflict. Another thing I noticed about the site that the journalist are against the “Uniparty” globalist politicians that been in office for decades who care about the issues outside the USA than their own country. I believe that mainstream media does not like anti-war views because it goes against their business model, which is to generate clicks and views to make money the goal of any corporation.  Also the United States government is close to these media outlets most pundits align with the “Establishment” which we learn from the Twitter files. I remember when the left aligned with anti-war views and that the right were the warmongers wanting your boys to be sent to die. But I don't know how to feel about the current war in Ukraine Zelenskyy has shut down all opposing political parties because of the war and that