Blog 7 WEEK 6, Pt. 2: Living in the Age of AI

 For me, I believe that AI could be part of the next technological progress and I may see that in my lifetime (If we don't destroy ourselves first). Sure it's the next step in automation, but I just can't see it working independently without human intervention will it be robot based or software based? What I mean by software based is right now NASA is using AI for their rovers on Mars to scan the terrain/ the shortest distance to get to a destination without getting stuck. NASA AI Rovers on Mars there is a delay between the Mars rover and commands from Earth being sent there so that's one reason why AI can be useful. Every good thing has an evil side that we don't see in China cameras are on every block and corner tracking its citizens for “national security” but It's used against people the government doesn't like.

I remember that all these tech companies were invested into the metaverse when it was first announced 2 years ago saying that the metaverse and blockchain was the future. After the general audience's lack of interest into the metaverse all the billions of dollars invested by these companies was wasted. However now they all have pivoted to AI they saw the potential of ChatGPT Ai Generated artwork, stories and coding that will increase their efficiency and would lay off those workers.  There are lawsuits going on about AI artwork was generated by feeding the AI other artist's work without credit. Right now I can kinda tell if artwork was AI generated but in the future I think it will be much harder to verify if the artwork was “Truly made” or not.

I just can't trust these tech companies on what they would do to AI integration with collecting our data. Would smart fridges scan the insides of Refrigerators and notify when you need to go out shopping? I can't imagine what AI would integrate into society how these tools will be used by their creators to inflict on society when AI gets its feet off the ground. Also the future political outcomes that could be used to split citizens apart and to recruit people on one side vs the other that benefits creator's desired outcome the AI. 1984 may be already here just a matter of when. 


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