WEEK 5, Pt. 2: Diffusion of Innovations

 The invention of the Phonograph as a Diffusion timeline it started out as the cylinder phonograph by Thomas Edison. An invention that recorded sounds waves onto a wax cylinder in 2 min intervals early adopters were businesses using it to record messages they received on the telephone (before answering machines).

Years later the cylinders were starting to pick up in the general masses when the technology became cheaper to produce. But artists did not like that each cylinder can only record 2 mins of playback and was not able to duplicate. So the Disc format was born, and the disc was made out of Aylsworth molded phenol and formaldehyde mixed with wood-flour and a solvent into a heat-resistant disc. Phonograph Disc History now more adopters started using this technology now artists can make an album and sell it to a record shop. 

    If you wanted to listen to music you had to go to a concert the same goes for bands they have to find a venue/gig to play at and not everyone has access to see these bands play live. The disc phonograph/record player revolutionized the way consumers consumed music at home and for smaller artists to get their name out in the public eye. 

    There wasn't really any downsides of the phonograph it was grandad of physical music storage we have today many inventions are innovations of older inventions soon it evolved into CD's to DVD's and then Blu-ray disc. It was just steamrolled by the popularity of radio and then music streaming services. With radio, you could listen to music, talk shows, sports and even news. Consumers didn't have to buy recorders to listen to music and cars had radios, so it was convenient to just have a radio at home. Consumers still had to buy a disc for the machine you bought to do anything also listening to music while driving a top open car was the coolest at during that time after WWII. (Just don't get distracted)


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