
Showing posts from March, 2023

BLOG #5 WEEK 4, Pt. 1: EOTO Com Tech Timeline The Phonograph

Edison Cylinder Phonograph The Cylinder Phonograph was invented by 1877 the great Thomas Edison, a machine that played music by capturing sound on tin-foil-covered cylinders that spun by turning a crank. The invention brought music into the homes, the granddad physical music media we see today in vinyls.  During this time music was only played at plays, bands, and concerts, if you wanted to listen to music at home you had to learn the music yourself by playing the piano. Pianos were seen as a luxury item, it was expensive and not everyone could afford one or get lessons to learn how to play it. The Cylinder Phonograph worked because sound waves vibrated the needle that recorded the sound waves when you speak into it, the message you said into the mouthpiece was played back when the play button was pressed. History of the Cylinder Phonograph Thomas was experimenting with ways to transcribe telegraphic messages with intentions on a paper tape, which he believed could work the same way t

BLOG POST #4 WEEK 3, Pt. 1: Eight Values of Free Expression

 From the 8 values of free expression, the one that aligns with me the most is “Promote Tolerance” the protection of ideas that we personally find hateful or upsetting that it teaches us to be exposed to differencing views. That will make us a more tolerance society if we force ideas to be censored, it feasters underground and becomes more radical. If you can't see it, how can a person learn why it's worthy, why it's hateful and should be condemned. This philosophy is called the “free market of ideas” that John Stuart Mill originated the concept Marketplace of Ideas. Therefore, if the idea is good the market will spread that idea while ideas that are not so good will not prevail just like it does in economics. To me that makes sense, if and idea is censored it can cause the Streisand effect the act to censor information can lead to the unintended consequence of increasing awareness of that information.   I've met all kinds of people from all walks of life, so I have b

BLOG POST #3 The Founding Era

  The Supreme court to me is one of the main pillars that the United States government has, and I was surprised that it was weak during its exception. I had forgotten how much better it was to be a senator than being a supreme court member, you can get kickbacks and make money while being one. I knew that the Supreme court is hesitant to listen to every case and even denied hearing cases against laws that restrict gun ownership. Furthermore, I found that the current supreme court members that we have right now, 3 of them were during one presidential term not too long ago that can have lasting impacts for generations depending on their age/health.  Another thing is that they don't stay in the public eye after they are appointed to me, it makes me feel that they are a higher being of authority in the government, but they are still human. The most important take away of the Supreme court has to have public's trust/ follow the constitution, history has shown the power that they hav

Blog #2 Privacy, Online & Off

      With us being more reliant on the internet it is important to keep yourself safe online, our data is valuable to advertisers. Instead of casting a wide net, they use targeted ads for items that we may want to have. Having my personal information that is private online can completely ruin a person's reputation and security. If bad actors know where I live or know my banking information, they would be able to buy items using my money. Moreover, be able to call the house for multiple pizza's and call the police for a fake police report, which can affect my family's safety.     Private messages that were only to be seen by the sender and receiver that if one person's is messages are leaked online that effects the other person that they are in contact with along with other friends. Keeping my email's password and phone number safe is the main method that if I forget my password on another site, that site would email me or text me a link to recover my password/rema

My Top 5 News Sources

 My Top News Sources  By: Wesley Carlton Jr New York Post:  General news that is going around in the political sphere that also goes into culture. The New York Post has been around for many decades and to me personally do a decent job reporting on investigate journalism. They still have a newspaper that they deliver, but I use their online website when I check for News and Opinion, similar to most outlets. New York Post News Nation: Covers breaking news, Business but is based in Australia POV of American politics. This website has short and sweet writing on current events, most are about 2 paragraphs with only information. Which is nice for me because I have a lot of classwork to do outside of class as a senior. I noticed that a lot of journalists get money for each word they type, so they add filler words to lengthen their articles or have dramatic filler.       News Nation The Wall Street Journal, Another online News network that has a popular Opinion writer section on their thoughts