BLOG POST #3 The Founding Era

 The Supreme court to me is one of the main pillars that the United States government has, and I was surprised that it was weak during its exception. I had forgotten how much better it was to be a senator than being a supreme court member, you can get kickbacks and make money while being one. I knew that the Supreme court is hesitant to listen to every case and even denied hearing cases against laws that restrict gun ownership. Furthermore, I found that the current supreme court members that we have right now, 3 of them were during one presidential term not too long ago that can have lasting impacts for generations depending on their age/health. 

Another thing is that they don't stay in the public eye after they are appointed to me, it makes me feel that they are a higher being of authority in the government, but they are still human. The most important take away of the Supreme court has to have public's trust/ follow the constitution, history has shown the power that they have with past decisions that shape this nation.

The most surprising thing that I learned what that Justices used to live in the capital, not sure where in the capital, but it was a different time back then. Also, what would I do if I was the first chief justices, do I put my biases aside and interpret the constitution as is or listen to the arguments of others to form a better opinion with my own. 

The videos of interviews of the justices just talking about how the court runs their thoughts of what the public sees them, as Clarence Thomas talked about that in particular Part 1. I always had a soft spot for History documentary that had the VHS/ CRT look to them, it reminded me of what my Granddad used to watch while I was at their house. The video reinforced my idea of the supreme court is an important government arm that the United States has, and there is nothing like it elsewhere.


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